Health Tech Companies

Expedite product build and growth through insights and evidence

We conduct research and clinical trials to accelerate your path to growth
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Our solutions

Build new products in the health tech space

We bring a network of providers to inform what you build and how you build it
What we offer

Bring your digital health products to market

We help you target the right market using solution sets tailored for real world adoption
What we offer

Generate evidence for your solution

We help you generate the evidence you need to bring your solution to the next level.
What we offer
Track Record

Don't just take our word for it


Digital health companies supported in studies to include FDA clearance


Our rating given by our research clients


would recommend our research to a colleague

Pain points for health tech companies

Tech companies are fighting to balance the pace of innovation and their own ambition with the complicated reality of the healthcare industry

The real world is outpacing your strategy

An ever-changing digital health market landscape is reeking havoc on your plans and making it impossible to align your product with market needs.

Products are mismatched to needs and workflows

Great ideas in workshops and board rooms rarely translate in full to clinical settings.

Products are full of belief but lacking evidence

Healthcare still needs clinical proof that a solution works, and the industry is not yet set up to support digital innovations in achieving that proof.

Why Choose Us

Why health tech companies choose us 

We bring decades of experience in healthcare innovation and an unparalleled network of providers and health institutions.

Network of globally renowned experts

Our company is composed of physicians, researchers and analysts that have supported some of the top institutions in the world. Because of our history in Digital Health in its earliest days, we have an extensive network of experts around the world that we tap into depending on the nature of the project.  We wouldn’t call ourselves the grandfather of the industry, but we feel pretty damn close.

Experience with digital health validation trials

Our experts formed one of the first research support organizations focused exclusively on clinical trials for digital health solutions. Over the greater part of a decade, we have worked with dozens of tech companies to independently validate their solution, even before there were the emerging pathways of today for digital. 

Nimble and attractive pricing 

Because we focus on Digital Health exclusively, we move at the speed of this niche industry. Many service providers and contract research organizations try to incorporate Digital Health solutions into their existing offerings. This leaves them using old business models and lengthy turn around times that will not meet your needs.  Instead, we move at the pace of innovation, having built and accelerated the industry from the very beginning.

Our customers love working with us

We are rated 4.7 out of 5 by the clients we support with 100% who would recommend us to a colleague. We believe we work with the best and most inspirational people in the world with aspirations of changing the world forever.  We share that passion and strive to do everything we can to support their cause. And we have fun doing it.
Case Studies

Our customers really love us

We helped Droplet develop UX and physical product design for at-home diagnostic digital health solution

Some additional text here to really drive this point home. Perhaps more info on how you helped them.
Participants recruited across 50 states for launch of at-home diagnostic
Clinical journeys created
UX interface mock-ups designed

We helped Gore with product research and to develop a trial protocol

Some additional text here to really drive this point home. Perhaps more info on how you helped them.
Interviews with clinical SMEs
Protocol ready for IRB submission
# of critical insights that influenced protocol design

We helped KOA enter the US Market

Some additional text here to really drive this point home. Perhaps more info on how you helped them.
Providers recruited across 7 clinical sites
Screen prototype UX mockups developed allowed client to secure additional funding
Clinical journeys created

We helped NqMedical's submit a protocol on validating AI CT imaging

Some additional text here to really drive this point home. Perhaps more info on how you helped them.
Protocol reviewed and revised prior to beginning pivotal FDA study
Protocol aspects reviewed to include study type and size
Recommendations provided within 11 page report

We helped Pear bring their solution to clinics

Some additional text here to really drive this point home. Perhaps more info on how you helped them.
Best practices identified
Quality frameworks created
Workflows designed in different specialty areas

We helped QureAI build their product

Some additional text here to really drive this point home. Perhaps more info on how you helped them.
Niche speciality physicians recruited
Highly researched and supported recommendations provided
New features designed

We helped QureAI review evidence and create study endpoints

Some additional text here to really drive this point home. Perhaps more info on how you helped them.
Expert interviews conducted from healthcare systems across the country
Themes identified to help inform product and study design
Endpoints we recommended the product and study focus

We helped Rational Surgical with a study approach for their tool.

Some additional text here to really drive this point home. Perhaps more info on how you helped them.
Strategic questions designed for expert interviews
Interviews with providers across four specialities
Discovery report to inform product and study

We helped Retia Medical write a protocol for their RPM device

Some additional text here to really drive this point home. Perhaps more info on how you helped them.
Protocol written on impact of continuous cardiac monitoring on treatment decisions
Weeks to design protocol following initial discovery meeting
Site identified via network to support study

Wel helped Revive become FDA cleared for their AI platform

Some additional text here to really drive this point home. Perhaps more info on how you helped them.
Protocol written and approved by the IRB to facilitate FDA approval
Board certified physicians managed as part of protocol execution
Subjects recruited who participated in the study

We helped Roche execute a pilot study for an Oncology platform

Some additional text here to really drive this point home. Perhaps more info on how you helped them.
Oncologist recruited for virtual simulation sessions
Synthetic cases reviewed or developed to support simulation
Hours each session lasted to evaluate platform

We helped TIGA build a COVID Educational Tool

Some additional text here to really drive this point home. Perhaps more info on how you helped them.
sourced and interviewed epidemiologists and physicians
data sources evaluated to serves as inputs to tool
features analyzed for improvement or revision

We helped Uber Health write and execute a protocol for a new product within healthcare

Some additional text here to really drive this point home. Perhaps more info on how you helped them.
Institutions identified and interviewed to support study
Interviews conducted to inform study design
Protocol delivered for multi-side study

We helped Utilize Health develop a protocol to develop a diagnostic tool

Some additional text here to really drive this point home. Perhaps more info on how you helped them.
Interviews with payors and systems representing 50 locations across the country
Insights drafted based on interviews market research
Discovery report generated to inform protocol design

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